
Our Story

In 1981

Leadership from the Western Region of the Missionary Church, Inc. established “Western Loans” as a non-profit charity to receive funds that would in turn be loaned to churches and ministry organizations.  Activities expanded, and in 1992 the organization become the “Stewardship Development Foundation” so that complex gifts such as securities, real estate and other assets could be gifted to support a variety of ministry efforts.  By 2005 we were being approached by Christian families, churches and charities beyond the Missionary Church. Therefore the Board of Directors voted to expand the reach of the Foundation which was renamed “Christian Foundation of the West”.  Still operating largely as a volunteer organization, services grew to include Donor Advised Funds and Charitable Trusts.

In 2012

A full time Executive Director was hired to launch comprehensive community foundation services in Southern California and Southwest US.  The Board of Directors was expanded from seven to 13 members over the next several years.  In late 2018, the Board of Directors approved the formation of an Advisory Council, and offices moved from Moorpark to Westlake Village, California.   In  September 2019, recognizing the continued expansion and opportunities beyond the Western US, we changed our name to Christian Foundation of America.   Effective May 2020, we completed a  Bylaw change removing the Missionary Church Western Region as  members, in favor of CFA’s Board of Directors.  With this change Christian Foundation of America became an independent charitable foundation.  The significant relationship with the Missionary Church continues, with CFA’s Board continuing to include a minority of MCWR nominated Directors, and our Statement of Faith shall be subscribed to to Missionary Church representative approval.


Christian Foundation of America serves as a full service community foundation capable of serving across the nation. We serve the Christian community broadly, including independent community churches, associations of churches, and Christian charitable organizations seeking more complex charitable planned giving services. We invite you to contact us to learn how we can serve you as individuals or families, to introduce charitable planned giving and legacy within your church, Christian charity or community.  Explore our programs, and giving services anytime!  With Christian Foundation of America, you can rest assured that your charitable funds, and even legacy bequests and gifts will be managed from a Christian perspective, with creative, and tax smart giving resources best suited to your needs.